Lifeline Canines is a Therapy Dog Organization dedicated to improving quality of life in our community through Therapy Dogs.  We have many Therapy Dog programs throughout our communities and several types of dogs who provide these services.

  •   We have Facility Therapy Dogs who have a higher level of training and work on staff in local facilities. 
  • We have Pet Social/Therapy Teams who are pets and their owners who have completed our seminar class and now provide volunteer Therapy Dog programs in schools, nursing homes, hospitals, and many other environments. 
  • We have Staff Therapy Dogs who provide services in specialized environments, supplement our Pet Social Therapy Teams, and provide education to the community and facilities about the services Therapy Dogs can provide. 

Lifeline Canines' Therapy Dog Programs can touch almost every area of our comunities.  Lifeline Canines still operates as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and relies on the community to help support the programs that enable these special dogs to touch and change so many lives. 

















Lifeline Canines   •   •  (910) 326-1926

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